Free support call:

0161 485 3155

Comments Suggestions and Complaints


Will you help us to help you?

We would like you to tell us what you think about the service we provide at this pharmacy.

If you have any comments, suggestions or complaints please speak to a member of staff.

We welcome any general comments about the services we provide and any suggestions of ways in which we can improve our services to you.

We operate a complaints procedure as part of the NHS system for dealing with complaints. Our system meets national criteria. If you have a complaint to make about our service, please speak to the Manager to try and resolve the issue.  If you are not satisfied, or, if you wish to bypass this step, you can contact our Complaints Manager, at the following address:


1st floor, 17 Belvedere Road


M14 6BA

Tel: 0161 2249164


An independent advocacy service is available to provide you with support for you if you are making, or thinking of making, a complaint about your NHS care or treatment. You can find out more at The local office is at:

Manchester Advocacy Hub ,

Gaddum Centre, 6 Great Jackson St,

Manchester M15 4AX

0161 214 3904


Our aim is to give you the highest possible standard of service and we try to deal swiftly with any problems that may occur.

An independent complaints advocacy service (ICAS) is available to provide advice and support for people who wish to complain about the NHS. ICAS can be contacted at:

ICAS (Carers Federation)

Tel: 0300 456 8350